Bunny S Cavanaugh’s Story of love, life and the pursuit of happiness.. YEAH RIGHT!

The Long Story Short..

maybe not so short

I can’t do anything short…

Bunny S Cavanaugh’s Story of love, life and the pursuit of happiness.. YEAH RIGHT!

I promised you a little bit more about me, so here goes ladies.

How much do you need to know, like the whole enchilada to understand the who what whens and whys?  hmmm maybe

I grew up in a single parent household, mom worked her ass off to put dinner on the table and clothes on our back- was she perfect NO WAY JOSE… did she do the best job she knew how… ABSOLUTELY.. we have had our ups and downs, as I get older and stronger we get better- not an uncommon story for sure.  My rents split when I was circa de 5- I think I said that earlier, anyhoo- my dad left mom, with  2 little girls in a palatial house with nanny and 2 dogs yikes right… well again I say kudos to mom bc she made it work.

next few years for dad were pretty ridiculously rough, self imposed so don’t feel bad for him, he was a drunk and a drug addict living with the women who broke up my parents marriage, with out any rights to his kids… this might sound harsh but it is the truth.. more true story… he cleaned up his act, lived a relatively happy life for what was left of it and departed this earth 2 years ago this summer.  Miss him every day, hate having to have gone thru this whole damn nightmare without him…

I have one sibling happily married with a daughter- my godchild!

fast forward, I had lots of loves in my life, I had lots of fun in my life, at 21 my world was kinda turned on its axis when best friends we with call then A&B moved away, and not like 2 towns away but like 5 states away, mom and I were on a really bad downward spiral and she kicked me outta her house, living with my grandmother- not my proudest moment but one that did indeed change my life.. maybe I will say more about that…maybe not we’ll see how long this goes.

Anyhoo enter.. hmm what shall we call him…. certainly we aren’t ever going to use his real name or what I call him now… OK George.. we will call him george…  Enter george…guy I worked with kinda…we had a grand time together, in a relationship we both said was no pressure, no strings…sssuuuuureeee… till it was all pressure and strings and I was moving in, we had epic fights, passionate sex and were madly in love or so we thought.   3 years later we got married and 10 years later ( almost to the day might I add) we broke up….

I won’t bore you with the details, but lets just say I BSC had the toughest 5 years leading up to this culminating event that one person can potentially go thru- here it is in in a nutshell/timeline..

All started and was set up when we bought new house in family friendly subdivision ( why we don’t have kids don’t want kids, george is OBSESSED with the suburbs…BSC works in the big city very happily tags along with george)

#1- Days after we move ( this is no bull shit either DAYS)  my father is rushed to the hospital and forced into a medically induced coma for 6 straight weeks while they try to figure out what is wrong wtih him..note to self, he was never ever the same…

#2- While father is sick in hospital, we ( family) find out my grandmother ( a forementioned life changing women for me) has metastatic liver cancer- she fights for 18 month and finally looses her battle

#3- a short 2 months after GM passes, my mother is diagnosed for the umpteenth time with non invasive breast cancer, she undergoes a 14 hour radical surgery…is still alive AMEN and cancer free.. HALLELUJIAH!

#4 a few short months later, christmas comes and goes, and I report to work ( crazy lunatic job that I loved to hate… )and at 445 pm the fuck I worked for laid me off.. UGH… double UGH… TRIPLE UGGHHH… BSC pays ALLL the bills what will BSC and george do…

#5- take a few months off, start a business, how happy am I I get to pursue a life long drea,

#6- George looses ANOTHER job… this man has never ever held down a job for more than 2 years… and has been let go from EVERY SINGLE ONE!

#7- My father is diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer

#8- he dies

#9- 6 months after my father dies…I was diagnosed with breast cancer… HOLY MOTHER OF GOD DOES IT GET ANY WORSE…


#10- I wake up one morning and realize I am so wildly unhappy I don’t even know how or where  to begin…I am 40 ish lbs overweight, I have sex once a month, with a man  I can’t stand to even touch let alone be intimate with…. who am I… how did I get here… what am I gonna do about it…head in hands I start to make some decisions that will forever change me..

That day was the first day of the rest of my life…. I may not have known it them…but it most certainly was

There you have it ladies, I told you not always pretty.. sometimes sad… but rest assured BSC… is a happy girl!